PlusLib  2.9.0
Software library for tracked ultrasound image acquisition, calibration, and processing.
Classes | Files


class  __vtkPlusOvrvisionProVideoSource_h
 Class for providing video input from the OvrvisionPro stereo camera device. More...
class  DataBufferItem
 Stores a single video frame OR a single transform with a timestamp. This object can be stored in a timestamped buffer. More...
class  FcsvData
 Describes a fiducial list. More...
class  FcsvPoint
 Describes a single fiducial point. More...
class  FcsvReader
 Reads a fiducial list (fcsv) file The fcsv file is the standard file format of 3D Slicer for storing a fiducial list. More...
class  FcsvWriter
 Writes a fiducial list (fcsv) file The fcsv file is the standard file format of 3D Slicer for storing a fiducial list. More...
class  ICCapturingListener
 Class that listens for incoming framegrabber images. More...
class  PlusBkProFocusCameraLinkReceiver
 Class for receiving images through the BK ProFocus SDK (Grabbie) More...
class  SerialLine
 Class for reading and writing data through the serial (RS-232) port. More...
class  StealthServer
 Interface for the Medtronic StealthLink Server. More...
class  vtkInfraredSeekCam
 Class for interfacing an Infrared Seek capture device and recording frames into a Plus buffer. More...
class  vtkInfraredTEQ1Cam
 Class for interfacing an Infrared Seek capture device and recording frames into a Plus buffer. More...
class  vtkPlus3dConnexionTracker
 Interface for 3D Connexion 3D mouse devices. More...
class  vtkPlusAgilentScopeTracker
 Interface class for Agilent oscilloscope devices. More...
class  vtkPlusAndorVideoSource
 Class for acquiring images from Andor cameras. More...
class  vtkPlusAscension3DGTrackerBase
 Interface for the Ascension 3DG magnetic tracker. More...
class  vtkPlusAtracsysTracker
 Interface to the Atracsys trackers This class talks with a Atracsys Tracker over the sTk Passive Tracking SDK. Requires PLUS_USE_ATRACSYS option in CMake. More...
class  vtkPlusAzureKinect
 Interface class to Kinect Azure cameras. More...
class  vtkPlusBkProFocusCameraLinkVideoSource
 Class for acquiring ultrasound images from BK ProFocus scanners. More...
class  vtkPlusBkProFocusOemVideoSource
 Class for acquiring ultrasound images from BK ultrasound systems through the OEM interface. More...
class  vtkPlusBrachyTracker
 Interface to brachytherapy steppers. More...
class  vtkPlusCapistranoVideoSource
 Class for acquiring ultrasound images from Capistrano Labs USB ultrasound systems. More...
class  vtkPlusChannel
 Contains an optional timestamped circular buffer containing the video images and a number of timestamped circular buffer of StreamBufferItems for the transforms. StreamBufferItems are essentially a class that contains both a single video frame and/or a 4x4 matrix. More...
class  vtkPlusChRoboticsTracker
 Interface for the CH Robotics CHR-UM6 tracker. More...
class  vtkPlusClarius
 Interface to the Clarius ultrasound scans This class talks with a Clarius Scanner over the Clarius API. Requires PLUS_USE_CLARIUS option in CMake. More...
class  vtkPlusClariusOEM
 Interface to Clarius Ultrasound Devices This class talks with a Clarius US Scanner over the Clarius OEM API. Requires the PLUS_USE_CLARIUS_OEM option in CMake. More...
class  vtkPlusDAQVideoSource
 Class for interfacing an Infrared capture device and recording frames into a Plus buffer. More...
class  vtkPlusDataCollector
 Manages devices that record image or positional data. More...
class  vtkPlusDataSource
 Interface to a 3D positioning tool, video source, or generalized data stream. More...
class  vtkPlusDeckLinkVideoSource
 Interface to a BlackMagic DeckLink capture card. More...
class  vtkPlusDevice
 Abstract interface for tracker and video devices. More...
class  vtkPlusEpiphanVideoSource
 Class for providing video input interfaces between VTK and Epiphan frame grabber device. More...
class  vtkPlusFakeTracker
 Represents a fake tracking system as a simulator. More...
class  vtkPlusGenericSensorTracker
 Interface class to collect sensor data in a generic wayFor now, the following sensor types are supported: More...
class  vtkPlusGenericSerialDevice
 Generic interface for communicating with a serial device. More...
class  vtkPlusICCapturingSource
 Class for providing video input interfaces between VTK and ICCapturing frame grabber device. More...
class  vtkPlusICCapturingSourceCleanup
 Class that cleans up (deletes singleton instance of) vtkPlusICCapturingSource when destroyed. More...
class  vtkPlusImageProcessorVideoSource
 Virtual device that performs real-time image processing on the input channel. More...
class  vtkPlusInfraredTEEV2Cam
 Class for interfacing an Infrared Seek capture device and recording frames into a Plus buffer. More...
class  vtkPlusIntelRealSense
 Interface class to Intel RealSense cameras. More...
class  vtkPlusIntersonArraySDKCxxVideoSource
 Class for acquiring ultrasound images from Interson Array USB ultrasound systems with C++ Wrapped SDK. More...
class  vtkPlusIntersonSDKCxxVideoSource
 Class for acquiring ultrasound images from Interson USB ultrasound systems with C++ Wrapped SDK. More...
class  vtkPlusIntersonVideoSource
 Class for acquiring ultrasound images from Interson USB ultrasound systems. More...
class  vtkPlusLeapMotion
 Interface for the LeapMotion hand tracker. More...
class  vtkPlusMicrochipTracker
 Interface for acquiring data from a Microchip MM7150 motion module. More...
class  vtkPlusMicronTracker
 Interface class to Claron MicronTracker optical trackers. More...
class  vtkPlusMmfVideoSource
 Microsoft media foundation video digitizer. More...
class  vtkPlusNDICertusTracker
 Interface for the NDI Optotrak Certus tracking device. More...
class  vtkPlusNDITracker
 Interface class for Northern Digital's tracking devices. More...
class  vtkPlusNvidiaDVPVideoSource
 Class for providing VTK video input interface from an NVidia digital video platform interface. More...
class  vtkPlusOpenCVCaptureVideoSource
 Class for interfacing an OpenCVC capture device and recording frames into a Plus buffer. More...
class  vtkPlusOpenHapticsDevice
 Device interface for Open Haptics devices. More...
class  vtkPlusOpenIGTLinkDevice
 Common base class for OpenIGTLink-based tracking and video devices. More...
class  vtkPlusOpenIGTLinkTracker
 OpenIGTLink tracker client. More...
class  vtkPlusOpenIGTLinkVideoSource
 VTK interface for video input from OpenIGTLink image message. More...
class  vtkPlusOpticalMarkerTracker
 Virtual device that tracks fiducial markers on the input channel in real time. More...
class  vtkPlusOptimetConoProbeMeasurer
 Interface for the Optimet ConoProbe This class talks with Optimet ConoProbe over the Optimet Smart32 SDK Requires PLUS_USE_OPTIMET_CONOPROBE option in CMake. More...
class  vtkPlusOptiTrack
 Interface to the OptiTrack trackers This class talks with a OptiTrack Tracker over the NatNet SDK. Requires PLUS_USE_OPTITRACK option in CMake. More...
class  vtkPlusPhidgetSpatialTracker
 Interface for the Phidget 3/3/3 tracker. More...
class  vtkPlusPhilips3DProbeVideoSource
 Class for providing VTK video input interface from Philips ie33 3D ultrasound probe. More...
class  vtkPlusPicoScopeDataSource
 Interface to the Atracsys trackers This class talks with a Atracsys Tracker over the sTk Passive Tracking SDK. Requires PLUS_USE_ATRACSYS option in CMake. More...
class  vtkPlusRevopoint3DCamera
 Interface class to Revopoint 3D cameras. More...
class  vtkPlusSavedDataSource
 Class for providing VTK video input interface from sequence fileAttributes: More...
class  vtkPlusSonixPortaVideoSource
 Class providing VTK video input interface for SonixRP. More...
class  vtkPlusSonixPortaVideoSourceCleanup
 Class that cleans up (deletes singleton instance of) vtkPlusSonixPortaVideoSource when destroyed. More...
class  vtkPlusSonixVideoSource
 VTK interface for video input from Ultrasonix machine. More...
class  vtkPlusSonixVolumeReader
 Reads a volume from file to tracked frame list. More...
class  vtkPlusSpinnakerVideoSource
 Interface class to Spinnaker API compatible Point Grey Cameras. More...
class  vtkPlusTelemedVideoSource
 Class for interfacing the device manager class, and the PLUS library. The devices are Telemed ultrasound systems. More...
class  vtkPlusThorLabsVideoSource
 ThorLabs compact spectrometer. More...
class  vtkPlusUltravioletPCOUVCam
 Class for interfacing an PCO Ultraviolet capture device and recording frames into a Plus buffer. More...
class  vtkPlusUsDevice
 Abstract interface for ultrasound video devices. More...
class  vtkPlusUSDigitalEncodersTracker
 Interface for multiple US Digital A2, A2T, A4, HBA2, HBA4 or HD25A encoders to generate pose information of a target object. More...
class  vtkPlusUsImagingParameters
 This class is used to store a configuration of the imaging parameters of an ultrasound video device. Ultrasound video devices should contain a member variable of this class that is used to set/query the depth, gain, etc. This class exists mainly for two reasons: Provide a standard interface for accessing ultrasound parameters Enable standardized API for operating on ultrasound parametersCurrently contains the following items FrequencyMhz DepthMm FocusDepthPercent (normalized [0,100]) SectorPercent GainPercent TGC [initialgain, midgain, fargain] Intensity (brightness) Contrast PowerDb DynRangeDb ZoomFactor Voltage ImageSize [x, y, z] SoundVelocity. More...
class  vtkPlusUsSimulatorVideoSource
 Class for providing VTK video input interface from simulated ultrasound. More...
class  vtkPlusV4L2VideoSource
 Class for interfacing an V4L2 device and recording frames into a Plus buffer. More...
class  vtkPlusVirtualCapture
class  vtkPlusVirtualDeinterlacer
class  vtkPlusVirtualMixer
class  vtkPlusVirtualSwitcher
class  vtkPlusVirtualTextRecognizer
class  vtkPlusVirtualVolumeReconstructor
class  vtkPlusWin32VideoSource2
 Video-for-Windows video digitizer. More...
class  vtkPlusWinProbeVideoSource
 Class for acquiring ultrasound images from WinProbe ultrasound systems. More...
class  vtkPlusWitMotionTracker
 Interface for acquiring data from a Microchip MM7150 motion module. More...


file  vtkAndorVideoSourceTest.cxx
 Test basic connection to the Andor camera.
file  vtkCapistranoVideoSourceTest.cxx
 Test basic connection to the Capistrano USB ultrasound probe.
file  vtkClariusTest.cxx
 Test basic connection to the Clarius ultrasound probe.
file  vtkIntersonArraySDKCxxVideoSourceTest.cxx
 Test basic connection to the Interson Array SDKCxx USB ultrasound probe.
file  vtkIntersonSDKCxxVideoSourceTest.cxx
 Test basic connection to the Interson SDKCxx USB ultrasound probe.
file  vtkIntersonVideoSourceTest.cxx
 Test basic connection to the Interson USB ultrasound probe.
file  vtkPhilips3DProbeVideoSourceTest1.cxx
 Test basic connection to the Ultrasonix image acquisition.
file  vtkSonixVideoSourceTest1.cxx
 Test basic connection to the Ultrasonix image acquisition.
file  vtkTelemedVideoSourceTest.cxx
 Test basic connection to the Telemed ultrasound probe.
file  vtkThorLabsVideoSourceTest.cxx
 Test basic connection to ThorLabs spectrometer.

Detailed Description