class | __vtkPlusOvrvisionProVideoSource_h |
| Class for providing video input from the OvrvisionPro stereo camera device. More...
class | DataBufferItem |
| Stores a single video frame OR a single transform with a timestamp. This object can be stored in a timestamped buffer. More...
class | FcsvData |
| Describes a fiducial list. More...
class | FcsvPoint |
| Describes a single fiducial point. More...
class | FcsvReader |
| Reads a fiducial list (fcsv) file The fcsv file is the standard file format of 3D Slicer for storing a fiducial list. More...
class | FcsvWriter |
| Writes a fiducial list (fcsv) file The fcsv file is the standard file format of 3D Slicer for storing a fiducial list. More...
class | ICCapturingListener |
| Class that listens for incoming framegrabber images. More...
class | PlusBkProFocusCameraLinkReceiver |
| Class for receiving images through the BK ProFocus SDK (Grabbie) More...
class | SerialLine |
| Class for reading and writing data through the serial (RS-232) port. More...
class | StealthServer |
| Interface for the Medtronic StealthLink Server. More...
class | vtkInfraredSeekCam |
| Class for interfacing an Infrared Seek capture device and recording frames into a Plus buffer. More...
class | vtkInfraredTEQ1Cam |
| Class for interfacing an Infrared Seek capture device and recording frames into a Plus buffer. More...
class | vtkPlus3dConnexionTracker |
| Interface for 3D Connexion 3D mouse devices. More...
class | vtkPlusAgilentScopeTracker |
| Interface class for Agilent oscilloscope devices. More...
class | vtkPlusAndorVideoSource |
| Class for acquiring images from Andor cameras. More...
class | vtkPlusAscension3DGTrackerBase |
| Interface for the Ascension 3DG magnetic tracker. More...
class | vtkPlusAtracsysTracker |
| Interface to the Atracsys trackers This class talks with a Atracsys Tracker over the sTk Passive Tracking SDK. Requires PLUS_USE_ATRACSYS option in CMake. More...
class | vtkPlusAzureKinect |
| Interface class to Kinect Azure cameras. More...
class | vtkPlusBkProFocusCameraLinkVideoSource |
| Class for acquiring ultrasound images from BK ProFocus scanners. More...
class | vtkPlusBkProFocusOemVideoSource |
| Class for acquiring ultrasound images from BK ultrasound systems through the OEM interface. More...
class | vtkPlusBrachyTracker |
| Interface to brachytherapy steppers. More...
class | vtkPlusCapistranoVideoSource |
| Class for acquiring ultrasound images from Capistrano Labs USB ultrasound systems. More...
class | vtkPlusChannel |
| Contains an optional timestamped circular buffer containing the video images and a number of timestamped circular buffer of StreamBufferItems for the transforms. StreamBufferItems are essentially a class that contains both a single video frame and/or a 4x4 matrix. More...
class | vtkPlusChRoboticsTracker |
| Interface for the CH Robotics CHR-UM6 tracker. More...
class | vtkPlusClarius |
| Interface to the Clarius ultrasound scans This class talks with a Clarius Scanner over the Clarius API. Requires PLUS_USE_CLARIUS option in CMake. More...
class | vtkPlusClariusOEM |
| Interface to Clarius Ultrasound Devices This class talks with a Clarius US Scanner over the Clarius OEM API. Requires the PLUS_USE_CLARIUS_OEM option in CMake. More...
class | vtkPlusDAQVideoSource |
| Class for interfacing an Infrared capture device and recording frames into a Plus buffer. More...
class | vtkPlusDataCollector |
| Manages devices that record image or positional data. More...
class | vtkPlusDataSource |
| Interface to a 3D positioning tool, video source, or generalized data stream. More...
class | vtkPlusDeckLinkVideoSource |
| Interface to a BlackMagic DeckLink capture card. More...
class | vtkPlusDevice |
| Abstract interface for tracker and video devices. More...
class | vtkPlusEpiphanVideoSource |
| Class for providing video input interfaces between VTK and Epiphan frame grabber device. More...
class | vtkPlusFakeTracker |
| Represents a fake tracking system as a simulator. More...
class | vtkPlusGenericSensorTracker |
| Interface class to collect sensor data in a generic wayFor now, the following sensor types are supported: More...
class | vtkPlusGenericSerialDevice |
| Generic interface for communicating with a serial device. More...
class | vtkPlusICCapturingSource |
| Class for providing video input interfaces between VTK and ICCapturing frame grabber device. More...
class | vtkPlusICCapturingSourceCleanup |
| Class that cleans up (deletes singleton instance of) vtkPlusICCapturingSource when destroyed. More...
class | vtkPlusImageProcessorVideoSource |
| Virtual device that performs real-time image processing on the input channel. More...
class | vtkPlusInfraredTEEV2Cam |
| Class for interfacing an Infrared Seek capture device and recording frames into a Plus buffer. More...
class | vtkPlusIntelRealSense |
| Interface class to Intel RealSense cameras. More...
class | vtkPlusIntersonArraySDKCxxVideoSource |
| Class for acquiring ultrasound images from Interson Array USB ultrasound systems with C++ Wrapped SDK. More...
class | vtkPlusIntersonSDKCxxVideoSource |
| Class for acquiring ultrasound images from Interson USB ultrasound systems with C++ Wrapped SDK. More...
class | vtkPlusIntersonVideoSource |
| Class for acquiring ultrasound images from Interson USB ultrasound systems. More...
class | vtkPlusLeapMotion |
| Interface for the LeapMotion hand tracker. More...
class | vtkPlusMicrochipTracker |
| Interface for acquiring data from a Microchip MM7150 motion module. More...
class | vtkPlusMicronTracker |
| Interface class to Claron MicronTracker optical trackers. More...
class | vtkPlusMmfVideoSource |
| Microsoft media foundation video digitizer. More...
class | vtkPlusNDICertusTracker |
| Interface for the NDI Optotrak Certus tracking device. More...
class | vtkPlusNDITracker |
| Interface class for Northern Digital's tracking devices. More...
class | vtkPlusNvidiaDVPVideoSource |
| Class for providing VTK video input interface from an NVidia digital video platform interface. More...
class | vtkPlusOpenCVCaptureVideoSource |
| Class for interfacing an OpenCVC capture device and recording frames into a Plus buffer. More...
class | vtkPlusOpenHapticsDevice |
| Device interface for Open Haptics devices. More...
class | vtkPlusOpenIGTLinkDevice |
| Common base class for OpenIGTLink-based tracking and video devices. More...
class | vtkPlusOpenIGTLinkTracker |
| OpenIGTLink tracker client. More...
class | vtkPlusOpenIGTLinkVideoSource |
| VTK interface for video input from OpenIGTLink image message. More...
class | vtkPlusOpticalMarkerTracker |
| Virtual device that tracks fiducial markers on the input channel in real time. More...
class | vtkPlusOptimetConoProbeMeasurer |
| Interface for the Optimet ConoProbe This class talks with Optimet ConoProbe over the Optimet Smart32 SDK Requires PLUS_USE_OPTIMET_CONOPROBE option in CMake. More...
class | vtkPlusOptiTrack |
| Interface to the OptiTrack trackers This class talks with a OptiTrack Tracker over the NatNet SDK. Requires PLUS_USE_OPTITRACK option in CMake. More...
class | vtkPlusPhidgetSpatialTracker |
| Interface for the Phidget 3/3/3 tracker. More...
class | vtkPlusPhilips3DProbeVideoSource |
| Class for providing VTK video input interface from Philips ie33 3D ultrasound probe. More...
class | vtkPlusPicoScopeDataSource |
| Interface to the Atracsys trackers This class talks with a Atracsys Tracker over the sTk Passive Tracking SDK. Requires PLUS_USE_ATRACSYS option in CMake. More...
class | vtkPlusRevopoint3DCamera |
| Interface class to Revopoint 3D cameras. More...
class | vtkPlusSavedDataSource |
| Class for providing VTK video input interface from sequence fileAttributes: More...
class | vtkPlusSonixPortaVideoSource |
| Class providing VTK video input interface for SonixRP. More...
class | vtkPlusSonixPortaVideoSourceCleanup |
| Class that cleans up (deletes singleton instance of) vtkPlusSonixPortaVideoSource when destroyed. More...
class | vtkPlusSonixVideoSource |
| VTK interface for video input from Ultrasonix machine. More...
class | vtkPlusSonixVolumeReader |
| Reads a volume from file to tracked frame list. More...
class | vtkPlusSpinnakerVideoSource |
| Interface class to Spinnaker API compatible Point Grey Cameras. More...
class | vtkPlusTelemedVideoSource |
| Class for interfacing the device manager class, and the PLUS library. The devices are Telemed ultrasound systems. More...
class | vtkPlusThorLabsVideoSource |
| ThorLabs compact spectrometer. More...
class | vtkPlusUltravioletPCOUVCam |
| Class for interfacing an PCO Ultraviolet capture device and recording frames into a Plus buffer. More...
class | vtkPlusUsDevice |
| Abstract interface for ultrasound video devices. More...
class | vtkPlusUSDigitalEncodersTracker |
| Interface for multiple US Digital A2, A2T, A4, HBA2, HBA4 or HD25A encoders to generate pose information of a target object. More...
class | vtkPlusUsImagingParameters |
| This class is used to store a configuration of the imaging parameters of an ultrasound video device. Ultrasound video devices should contain a member variable of this class that is used to set/query the depth, gain, etc. This class exists mainly for two reasons: Provide a standard interface for accessing ultrasound parameters Enable standardized API for operating on ultrasound parametersCurrently contains the following items FrequencyMhz DepthMm FocusDepthPercent (normalized [0,100]) SectorPercent GainPercent TGC [initialgain, midgain, fargain] Intensity (brightness) Contrast PowerDb DynRangeDb ZoomFactor Voltage ImageSize [x, y, z] SoundVelocity. More...
class | vtkPlusUsSimulatorVideoSource |
| Class for providing VTK video input interface from simulated ultrasound. More...
class | vtkPlusV4L2VideoSource |
| Class for interfacing an V4L2 device and recording frames into a Plus buffer. More...
class | vtkPlusVirtualCapture |
class | vtkPlusVirtualDeinterlacer |
class | vtkPlusVirtualMixer |
class | vtkPlusVirtualSwitcher |
class | vtkPlusVirtualTextRecognizer |
class | vtkPlusVirtualVolumeReconstructor |
class | vtkPlusWin32VideoSource2 |
| Video-for-Windows video digitizer. More...
class | vtkPlusWinProbeVideoSource |
| Class for acquiring ultrasound images from WinProbe ultrasound systems. More...
class | vtkPlusWitMotionTracker |
| Interface for acquiring data from a Microchip MM7150 motion module. More...