Plus applications user manual
Software library for tracked ultrasound image acquisition, calibration, and processing.
Volume reconstruction

Volume reconstruction is the process of creating a 3D volume from many 2D image slices. Parameters of the volume reconstruction algorithm are described on the Volume reconstruction algorithm page.

Volume reconstruction using command-line application

Use the Volume reconstructor application (VolumeReconstructor) application.

Volume reconstruction in 3D Slicer

Use the PlusRemote module in 3D Slicer, avaiable in the SlicerOpenIGTLink extension.

Volume reconstruction using fCal

Freehand tracked ultrasound calibration application (fCal) offers a graphical user interface to collect tracked ultrasound data and perform volume reconstruction. Currently fCal offers only very limited, simplified visualization (shows an isosurface corresponding to a single, hardcoded threshold value), so it is recommended to save the volume into a (.mha) file and visualize it in 3DSlicer.