Plus applications user manual  2.9.0.bf99f0e
Software library for tracked ultrasound image acquisition, calibration, and processing.
Streaming of live images and tracking data to 3D Slicer


Show live images in 3D Slicer

  • In the Windows start menu in the Plus Applications ... folder open Plus Server Launcher
  • Choose your device set that describes according to your imaging device, for example use PlusServer: Media Foundation video capture device or PlusServer: Video for Windows video capture device for image acquisition from a webcam. Optionally click on the small edit icon on the left side of the device selector to customize the imaging parameters. Details for device setup can be found here
  • Click Launch server
  • In the Windows start menu in the Slicer ... folder open Slicer
  • Open the OpenIGTLinkIF module and click on the + button to create a new connection
  • Change the connection port to match the out corresponding "ListeningPort" in the Plus device file (for many configurations, the port is 18944), and click on the Active checkbox to start receiving data. The status of the connection should be "ON"
  • Open the View Controllers module and select Image_Reference in the listbox in the background image selector listbox (in the red slice's section, on the right side of the orientation selection listbox that shows Axial)
  • Open the VolumeResliceDriver module (if you don't see it, install the SlicerIGT extension), choose Image_Reference to drive the red slice and set the mode to Transverse

Show tracked tools in 3D Slicer

  • In the Windows start menu in the Plus Applications ... folder open Plus Server Launcher
  • Choose your device set that describes according to your imaging device, for example use PlusServer: Replay fCal phantom... device set for replaying a pre-recorded tracking data sequence. If you have access to a tracker you can connect a tracking device set (e.g., PlusServer: Ascension3DG tracker, PlusServer: NDI Aurora tracker, PlusServer: Claron MicronTracker tracker) and click on the small edit icon on the left side of the device selector to customize its parameters.
  • Click Launch server
  • In the Windows start menu in the Slicer ... folder open Slicer
  • Open the OpenIGTLinkIF module and click on the + button to create a new connection
  • Change the connection port to match the out corresponding "ListeningPort" in the Plus device file (for many configurations, the port is 18944), and click on the Active checkbox to start receiving data. The status of the connection should be "ON"
  • In the I/O Configuration section in the data tree open IGTLConnector, open IN, then click on the eye icon on the right side for the tools that you want to see in the 3D view
  • If you have STL models of your tools then you can load them into Slicer and assign the corresponding transform in the Transforms module

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