This device allows you to process depth data from Revopoint 3D cameras. The following data can be retrieved:
- The depth map
- The points cloud
Supported hardware devices
Supported platforms
SDK Tested Versions
- Windows 10: 2.4.0
- Ubuntu 18.04: 2.4.0
Device configuration settings
Type =
DataSources One
child element is required per stream.
DataSource Unique data source
FrameType Type of stream to capture.
(The points cloud is sent as an image with 3 scalar components representing the x-y-z coordinates of the points)
FrameWidth Width of the depth stream.
FrameRate Acquisition frequence for the depth stream.
DepthRange Depth range of acquisition in mm.
Default = "5 500"
PortUsImageOrientation Image orientation
Default = "UN"
Example configuration file PlusDeviceSet_Server_Revopoint3DCamera.xml
<PlusConfiguration version="2.3">
<DataCollection StartupDelaySec="1.0">
<DeviceSet Name="PlusServer: Revopoint 3D Camera" Description="Broadcasting acquired depth video through PlusServer from Revopoint 3D camera" />
<Device Id="VideoDevice" Type="Revopoint3DCamera">
<DataSource Type="Video" Id="VideoDEPTH" FrameType="DEPTH" FrameWidth="1920" FrameRate="8" DepthRange="5 500" PortUsImageOrientation="UN" />
<DataSource Type="Video" Id="VideoPCL" FrameType="PCL" PortUsImageOrientation="UN" />
<OutputChannel Id="VideoStreamDEPTH" VideoDataSourceId="VideoDEPTH" />
<OutputChannel Id="VideoStreamPCL" VideoDataSourceId="VideoPCL" />
<PlusOpenIGTLinkServer MaxNumberOfIgtlMessagesToSend="1" MaxTimeSpentWithProcessingMs="50" ListeningPort="18944" SendValidTransformsOnly="true" OutputChannelId="VideoStreamDEPTH">
<Message Type="IMAGE" />
<Image Name="VideoStreamDEPTH" EmbeddedTransformToFrame="VideoStreamDEPTH" />
<PlusOpenIGTLinkServer MaxNumberOfIgtlMessagesToSend="1" MaxTimeSpentWithProcessingMs="50" ListeningPort="18945" SendValidTransformsOnly="true" OutputChannelId="VideoStreamPCL">
<Message Type="IMAGE" />
<Image Name="VideoStreamPCL" EmbeddedTransformToFrame="VideoStreamPCL" />