This device allows you to collect sensor data from sensors with drivers compliant with the Windows Sensor and Location platform.
Supported sensors
For now, this device can handle the following type of sensors:
The sensor drivers must be compliant with the Windows Sensor and Location platform.
The following sensors have been tested:
- STMicroelectronics 3-axis Accelerometer
Supported platforms
Windows version: >= 7
Install the sensor drivers if not installed by default on the target platform.
Device configuration settings
Type =
UseReportedTimestamp Choose whether to use timestamp reported by the sensor or timestamp computed according to the update time.
Default = "FALSE"
DataSources One
child element is required per sensor type.
DataSource Data source
PortName Port name
Raw sensor measurement. The values are stored in the translation part of the transformation matrix. The rotation part is identity.
Raw sensor measurement. The values (angular velocity in degrees/s) are stored in the translation part of the transformation matrix. The rotation part is identity.
SerialNumber Serial number
Default = " "
- If specified then connection is made to the device that has a matching SerialNumber. Otherwise, the first detected device is selected.
Example configuration file PlusDeviceSet_Server_GenericSensor.xml
<PlusConfiguration version="2.1">
<DataCollection StartupDelaySec="1.0">
<DeviceSet Name="PlusServer: Generic sensor" Description="Broadcasting available sensors tracking data through OpenIGTLink" />
<Device Id="TrackerDevice" Type="GenericSensor" ToolReferenceFrame="Tracker">
<DataSource Type="Tool" Id="Accelerometer" PortName="Accelerometer" />
<OutputChannel Id="TrackerStream">
<DataSource Id="Accelerometer"/>
<Device Id="CaptureDevice" Type="VirtualCapture" BaseFilename="RecordingTest.igs.mha" EnableCapturingOnStart="FALSE">
<InputChannel Id="TrackerStream" />
<PlusOpenIGTLinkServer MaxNumberOfIgtlMessagesToSend="1" MaxTimeSpentWithProcessingMs="50" ListeningPort="18944" OutputChannelId="TrackerStream">
<Message Type="TRANSFORM" />
<Transform Name="AccelerometerToTracker" />