Plus applications user manual  2.9.0.f430dd0
Software library for tracked ultrasound image acquisition, calibration, and processing.
Azure Kinect camera

This device allow you to retrieve different kind of data from Azure Kinect RGB-D camera:

  • The rgb image
  • The depth map
  • The reconstructed points cloud

The depth map resolution can be aligned to the rgb image resolution.

The points cloud resolution matches the rgb image resolution or the depth map resolution if no rgb data is retrieved. In the first case, the color data of the rgb image can be used to enhance the points cloud.

Supported hardware devices

Supported platforms

SDK Tested Versions

  • Windows 10: 1.4.1
  • Ubuntu 18.04: 1.4.1
  • Ubuntu 20.04: 1.4.1


The Azure Kinect SDK is released under the MIT license (


Device configuration settings

Example configuration file PlusDeviceSet_Server_AzureKinect.xml

<PlusConfiguration version="2.3">
<DataCollection StartupDelaySec="1.0">
<DeviceSet Name="PlusServer: Azure Kinect Camera " Description="Broadcasting acquired RGB and Depth video through PlusServer from Azure Kinect camera" />
<Device Id="VideoDevice" Type="AzureKinect" AlignDepthStream="TRUE">
<DataSource Type="Video" Id="VideoRGB" FrameType="RGB" FrameSize="1920" FrameRate="15" PortUsImageOrientation="UN" />
<DataSource Type="Video" Id="VideoDEPTH" FrameType="DEPTH" FrameSize="1024" FrameRate="15" PortUsImageOrientation="UN" />
<DataSource Type="Video" Id="VideoPCL" FrameType="PCL" FrameSize="1920" FrameRate="15" PortUsImageOrientation="UN" />
<OutputChannel Id="VideoStreamRGB" VideoDataSourceId="VideoRGB" />
<OutputChannel Id="VideoStreamDEPTH" VideoDataSourceId="VideoDEPTH" />
<OutputChannel Id="VideoStreamPCL" VideoDataSourceId="VideoPCL" />
<PlusOpenIGTLinkServer MaxNumberOfIgtlMessagesToSend="1" MaxTimeSpentWithProcessingMs="50" ListeningPort="18944" SendValidTransformsOnly="true" OutputChannelId="VideoStreamDEPTH">
<Message Type="IMAGE" />
<Image Name="VideoStreamDEPTH" EmbeddedTransformToFrame="VideoStreamDEPTH" />
<PlusOpenIGTLinkServer MaxNumberOfIgtlMessagesToSend="1" MaxTimeSpentWithProcessingMs="50" ListeningPort="18945" SendValidTransformsOnly="true" OutputChannelId="VideoStreamRGB">
<Message Type="IMAGE" />
<Image Name="VideoStreamRGB" EmbeddedTransformToFrame="VideoStreamRGB" />
<PlusOpenIGTLinkServer MaxNumberOfIgtlMessagesToSend="1" MaxTimeSpentWithProcessingMs="50" ListeningPort="18946" SendValidTransformsOnly="true" OutputChannelId="VideoStreamPCL">
<Message Type="IMAGE" />
<Image Name="VideoStreamPCL" EmbeddedTransformToFrame="VideoStreamPCL" />