Software error
If you encounter an error, please follow the following instructions to help us to find and fix it more quickly.
- Try to reproduce the error and filter out what steps are really required for the error to occur
- Create an issue on GitHub.
- Describe exactly what steps you made before the error occurred
- Describe what is the unexpected behaviour
- Attach the log file to the ticket
- It is located in the directory named Output inside the folder you executed the application
- It is named [date]_[time]_PlusLog.txt
- Choose the one that was created when you ran the application performing only the steps that really needed (see first step)
- If needed for easier understanding, attach a screenshot. Use compressed format (like .png, .jpg, .gif).
Thank you for helping to improve Plus!
Documentation error
If you find a documentation error on the wiki then create an issue on GitHub.