Plus applications user manual
Software library for tracked ultrasound image acquisition, calibration, and processing.
Currently RF acquisition is supported for Ultrasonix scanners (through the Ulterius interface) and BK Medical ProFocus scanners (through CameraLink interface).
When RF data is acquired in fCal a very simple RF->B-mode image conversion is performed and the converted B-mode image is displayed on the screen. The definition of scan conversion parameters are defined in UltrasoundImageOrientation.pptx.
Note that currently only data collection is implemented in fCal, calibration is only supported in B-mode image acquisition mode.
The simplest way to test if RF acquisition works is by running the following test: vtkPlusSonixVideoSourceTest1.exe –sonix-ip= –acq-mode=rf
If the system is not in research mode or there is a popup window displayed in the Ultrasonix exam software then it may not be possible to switch into RF acquisition mode. Before attempting to acquire RF data in Plus test if you can actually acquire RF data in the exam software (you may need to click on the Research touchscreen button, RF touchscreen button and press the Update/RightMouse physical button to enable RF acquisition).
In the DataCollection and RfProcessing elements set the following attributes and child elements:
<Device ... Type="SonixVideo" ... CompressionStatus="0" > <DataSources> <DataSource Type="Video" Id="BModeVideo" PortName="B" PortUsImageOrientation="MF" BufferSize="100" AveragedItemsForFiltering="20" /> </DataSources> <OutputChannels> <OutputChannel Id="BModeVideoStream" VideoDataSourceId="BModeVideo" > <RfProcessing> <RfToBrightnessConversion NumberOfHilbertFilterCoeffs="32.0" BrightnessScale="20.0" /> <ScanConversion TransducerName="Ultrasonix_BPC8-4/10" TransducerGeometry="CURVILINEAR" RadiusStartMm="10.0" RadiusStopMm="82.0" ThetaStartDeg="-75.0" ThetaStopDeg="75.0" OutputImageStartDepthMm="-3.0" OutputImageSizePixel="820 616" OutputImageSpacingMmPerPixel="0.15 0.15" /> </RfProcessing> </OutputChannel> </OutputChannels> </Device>
It may be necessary to push the Update button on the ultrasound machine (the one that acts as roght mouse click in research mode; a spot with two arrows around it).
The simplest way to test if RF acquisition works is by running the following test: vtkBkProFocusVideoSourceTest.exe –ini-file=BkSettings/IniFile.ini –show-bmode –show-sapera
In the DataCollection and RfProcessing elements set the following attributes and child elements:
<DataCollection ...> <Device Id="VideoDevice" Type="BkProFocus" IniFileName="BkSettings/IniFile.ini" AcquisitionRate="30" LocalTimeOffsetSec="0" > <DataSources> <DataSource Type="Video" Id="Video" BufferSize="100" AveragedItemsForFiltering="20" UsImageOrientation="FM" /> </DataSources> <OutputChannels> <OutputChannel Id="VideoStream" VideoDataSourceId="Video" > <RfProcessing> <RfToBrightnessConversion NumberOfHilbertFilterCoeffs="32.0" BrightnessScale="20.0" /> <ScanConversion TransducerName="BK_8848-axial" TransducerGeometry="CURVILINEAR" RadiusStartMm="10.0" RadiusStopMm="60.0" ThetaStartDeg="-70.0" ThetaStopDeg="70.0" OutputImageStartDepthMm="2.0" OutputImageSizePixel="600 400" OutputImageSpacingMmPerPixel="0.15 0.15" /> </RfProcessing> </OutputChannel> </OutputChannels> </Device> </DataCollection>