Plus applications user manual  2.9.0.f430dd0
Software library for tracked ultrasound image acquisition, calibration, and processing.
PlusServer commands

Remote control example

Server setup

  • Start PlusServer:
    PlusServer.exe --config-file=..\..\PlusLib\data\ConfigFiles\Testing\PlusConfiguration_OpenIGTLinkCommandsTest.xml

Control the server using the example client in Plus

Example: simple test commands

  • PlusServerRemoteControl.exe --command=GET_CHANNEL_IDS
    • PlusServer log: <Command Name="RequestChannelIDs" />
    • PlusServerRemoteControl reply data: TrackedVideoStream
  • PlusServerRemoteControl.exe --command=START_ACQUISITION --device="CaptureDevice" --output-file="PlusServerRecording.mha"
    • PlusServer log: <Command Name="StartRecording" CaptureDeviceId="CaptureDevice" OutputFilename="PlusServerRecording.mha" EnableCompression="False"/>
    • PlusServerRemoteControl reply data: VirtualStreamCapture (CaptureDevice) StartRecording completed successfully
  • PlusServerRemoteControl.exe --command=STOP_ACQUISITION --device="CaptureDevice"
    • PlusServer log: <Command Name="StopRecording" CaptureDeviceId="CaptureDevice"/>
    • PlusServerRemoteControl reply data: VirtualStreamCapture (CaptureDevice) StopRecording completed successfully
  • PlusServerRemoteControl.exe --command=GET_EXAM_DATA --volumeEmbeddedTransformToFrame="Reference"
    • PlusServer log: <Command Name="ExamData" VolumeEmbeddedTransformToFrame="Reference"
    • PlusServerRemoteControl reply data: "Volume sending completed successfully, volume sent as: SLD-001"

Example: volume reconstruction in batch mode (acquiring all frames then reconstruct volume at once)

If --output-file is specified then the reconstructed volume will be written to file. If output-image-name is specified then the reconstructed volume will be sent through OpenIGTLink.

PlusServerRemoteControl.exe --command=START_ACQUISITION
timeout /t 10
PlusServerRemoteControl.exe --command=STOP_ACQUISITION
PlusServerRemoteControl.exe --command=RECONSTRUCT --output-file=recvol.mha --output-image-name=recvol_Reference

Example: live volume reconstruction with intermediate snapshots

PlusServerRemoteControl.exe --command=START_RECONSTRUCTION
PlusServerRemoteControl.exe --command=GET_RECONSTRUCTION_SNAPSHOT --output-image-name=recvol_Reference
PlusServerRemoteControl.exe --command=SUSPEND_RECONSTRUCTION
@echo Please start volume rendering of the sent volume
timeout /t 10
PlusServerRemoteControl.exe --command=RESUME_RECONSTRUCTION
PlusServerRemoteControl.exe --command=GET_RECONSTRUCTION_SNAPSHOT --output-image-name=recvol_Reference
PlusServerRemoteControl.exe --command=GET_RECONSTRUCTION_SNAPSHOT --output-image-name=recvol_Reference
PlusServerRemoteControl.exe --command=GET_RECONSTRUCTION_SNAPSHOT --output-image-name=recvol_Reference
PlusServerRemoteControl.exe --command=GET_RECONSTRUCTION_SNAPSHOT --output-image-name=recvol_Reference
PlusServerRemoteControl.exe --command=GET_RECONSTRUCTION_SNAPSHOT --output-image-name=recvol_Reference
PlusServerRemoteControl.exe --command=GET_RECONSTRUCTION_SNAPSHOT --output-image-name=recvol_Reference
PlusServerRemoteControl.exe --command=GET_RECONSTRUCTION_SNAPSHOT --output-image-name=recvol_Reference
PlusServerRemoteControl.exe --command=GET_RECONSTRUCTION_SNAPSHOT --output-image-name=recvol_Reference
PlusServerRemoteControl.exe --command=GET_RECONSTRUCTION_SNAPSHOT --output-image-name=recvol_Reference
PlusServerRemoteControl.exe --command=GET_RECONSTRUCTION_SNAPSHOT --output-image-name=recvol_Reference
PlusServerRemoteControl.exe --command=STOP_RECONSTRUCTION --output-image-name=recvol_Reference

Example: Acquiring exam image data from StealthStation

PlusServerRemoteControl.exe --command=GET_EXAM_DATA --device=StealthLinkDevice
PlusServerRemoteControl.exe --command=GET_EXAM_DATA --device=StealthLinkDevice -keepReceivedDicomFiles --volumeEmbeddedTransformToFrame= "Reference" --dicom-directory="C:/StealthLinkOutput"

Control the server from 3D Slicer

  • In the OpenIGTLinkIF module in Slicer create a new connection, set as client, check Active
  • Set up slice visualization with VolumeResliceDriver
  • Control PlusServer using the OpenIGTLinkRemote module in Slicer: paste the XML strings below into the Command Console's Command box and click "Send command"
<Command Name="RequestChannelIds" />
<Command Name="RequestDeviceIds" DeviceType="VirtualVolumeReconstructor" />
<Command Name="StartRecording" OutputFilename="PlusServerRecording.nrrd" EnableCompression="True"/>
<Command Name="StopRecording" />
<Command Name="ReconstructVolume" InputSeqFilename="PlusServerRecording.nrrd" OutputVolDeviceName="recvol_Reference" />
<Command Name="StartVolumeReconstruction" VolumeReconstructorDeviceId="VolumeReconstructorDevice" />
<Command Name="SuspendVolumeReconstruction" VolumeReconstructorDeviceId="VolumeReconstructorDevice" />
<Command Name="ResumeVolumeReconstruction" VolumeReconstructorDeviceId="VolumeReconstructorDevice" />
<Command Name="GetVolumeReconstructionSnapshot" VolumeReconstructorDeviceId="VolumeReconstructorDevice" OutputVolDeviceName="recvol_Reference" />
<Command Name="StopVolumeReconstruction" VolumeReconstructorDeviceId="VolumeReconstructorDevice" OutputVolDeviceName="recvol_Reference" OutputVolFilename="recvol_Reference.mha"/>
<Command Name="SetUsParameter" UsDeviceId="USDevice"><Parameter Name="Depth" Value="50"/></Command>
<Command Name="GetUsParameter" UsDeviceId="USDevice"><Parameter Name="Depth"/></Command>

OpenIGTLinkRemoteExec interface specification


  • Message type: STRING
  • Device name: CMD_commandUid
  • Contents: an XML element with the name Command and the following attributes:
    • Name: command name, defined by the user
    • Custom parameters: attributes and/or child elements
  • Example:
    <Command Name="StartRecording" ... custom parameters ... />

Command reply

  • Message type: STRING
  • Device name: ACK_commandUid (the commandUid matches the command's UID)
  • Contents: an XML element with the name CommandReply and the following attributes:
    • Status: SUCCESS or FAIL
    • Custom parameters: attributes and/or child elements
  • Example:
    <CommandReply Status="SUCCESS" Message="StartRecording completed successfully" ... other custom parameters ... />


  • RequestChannelIds: returns a list of available channel IDs
  • RequestDeviceIds: returns a list of available device IDs
    • attribute.png
      DeviceType: restrict the returned list of devices to a specific type (VirtualCapture, VirtualVolumeReconstructor, etc.)
  • StartRecording: starts recording to file
    • attribute.png
    • attribute.png
    • attribute.png
      EnableCompression: Set capture device to record compressed data. Only supported with .nrrd capture.
  • StopRecording: stops recording to file
    • attribute.png
    • attribute.png
      OutputFilename: overrides the value that was defined in StartRecording
  • ReconstructVolume: reconstruct a volume from a file and writes the result to a file and/or sends through OpenIGTLink; sets OutputOrigin and OutputExtent so that all the frames fit
    • attribute.png
      VolumeReconstructorDeviceId: name of the volume reconstructor device that contains the reconstruction parameters (if not specified then the first volume reconstructor device will be used)
    • attribute.png
      InputSeqFilename: name of the input sequence metafile name that contains the list of frames
    • attribute.png
      OutputVolFilename: name of the output volume file name (optional)
    • attribute.png
      OutputVolDeviceName: name of the OpenIGTLink device for the IMAGE message (optional)
  • StartVolumeReconstruction: start adding acquired frames to the volume
    • attribute.png
      VolumeReconstructorDeviceId: name of the volume reconstructor device that contains the reconstruction parameters and defines the input data (if not specified then the first volume reconstructor device will be used)
    • attribute.png
      OutputVolFilename: name of the output volume file name (optional, if saving of the reconstructed volume to file is not needed or the value is already set)
    • attribute.png
      OutputVolDeviceName: name of the OpenIGTLink device for the IMAGE message (optional, if sending of the reconstructed volume is not needed or the value is already set)
    • attribute.png
      OutputSpacing: spacing of the output volume, 3 floating point values in the reference coordinate system (example: "0.3 0.3 0.3") (optional, if already set)
    • attribute.png
      OutputOrigin: origin of the output volume, 3 floating point values in the reference coordinate system (example: "-15.0 -20.0 40.0") (optional, if already set)
    • attribute.png
      OutputExtent: extent in voxels, 6 integer values, in voxel coordinates of the output volume: iStart, iStop, jStart, jStop, kStart, kStop (for example"0 150 0 180 0 200"); typically the start values are 0, and the stop values are dimension-1 (optional, if already set)
  • SuspendVolumeReconstruction: suspend adding acquired frames to the volume
    • attribute.png
      VolumeReconstructorDeviceId: name of the volume reconstructor device (optional, if not specified then the first volume reconstructor device will be used)
  • ResumeVolumeReconstruction: resume adding acquired frames to the volume
    • attribute.png
      VolumeReconstructorDeviceId: name of the volume reconstructor device (optional, if not specified then the first volume reconstructor device will be used)
  • StopVolumeReconstruction: stop adding acquired frames to the volume, finalize reconstruction, and save/send the results.
    • attribute.png
      VolumeReconstructorDeviceId: name of the volume reconstructor device (optional, if not specified then the first volume reconstructor device will be used)
    • attribute.png
      OutputVolFilename: name of the output volume file name (optional)
    • attribute.png
      OutputVolDeviceName: name of the OpenIGTLink device for the IMAGE message (optional)
  • GetVolumeReconstructionSnapshot: request a snapshot of the live reconstruction result to be saved/sent.
    • attribute.png
      VolumeReconstructorDeviceId: name of the volume reconstructor device (if not specified then the first volume reconstructor device will be used)
    • attribute.png
      OutputVolFilename: name of the output volume file name (optional, if saving of the reconstructed volume to file is not needed or the value is already set)
    • attribute.png
      OutputVolDeviceName: name of the OpenIGTLink device for the IMAGE message (optional, if sending of the reconstructed volume is not needed or the value is already set)
    • attribute.png
      ApplyHoleFilling: if FALSE then holes will not be filled (optional, default: TRUE)
  • UpdateTransform: updates a transform in the transform repository
    • attribute.png
      TransformName: transform name in CoordinateSystem1ToCoordinateSystem2 format
    • attribute.png
      TransformValue: 4x4 matrix, separated by spaces
    • attribute.png
      TransformPersistent: TRUE (default) or FALSE; if FALSE then the transform will not be saved in the device set config file
    • attribute.png
      TransformError: any >=0 value, currently the value is just stored, not used by algorithms
    • attribute.png
      TransformDate: date of the transform in any string format, just for reference
  • GetTransform: retrieves a transform in the transform repository
    • attribute.png
      TransformName: transform name in CoordinateSystem1ToCoordinateSystem2 format
  • SaveConfig: save the config file
    • attribute.png
      Filename: target filename, if not specified then the current device set configuration file will be updated
  • GetExamData: acquire the current image from the StealthStation. This command can only be used for stealthlink connection.
    • attribute.png
      volumeEmbeddedTransformToFrame: Specify in which coordinate system the volume will be represented. Example: Ras, Reference, Tracker, or any other coordinate system defined in PLUS (The default value is Ras)
    • attribute.png
      dicomDirectory: The directory where the dicom images will be stored. (The default value is the same as PLUS output directory)
    • attribute.png
      keepReceivedDicomFiles: StealthLink sends the volume as dicom images. Leave this if you want to keep the dicom files in your computer's directory. (The default value is FALSE, as in the files will be deleted after volume has been created)
  • SendText: sends text to the device. This command can only be used for GenericSerialDevice. Returns the command response received from the serial device.
    • attribute.png
      DeviceId: Device ID of the GenericSerialDevice
    • attribute.png
      Text: String to be sent to the serial device
  • GetPolydata: requests a polydata file from the server. Returns a command response from the server with the success/fail message and if successful, the polydata.
    • attribute.png
      FileName: The filename of the polydata to send

Ultrasound imaging parameter commands

PlusServer can change and retrieve ultrasound imaging parameters over OpenIGTLink using the SetUSParameter and GetUsParameter commands.


  • SetUsParameter: sets the imaging parameters of the specified ultrasound device
    • attribute.png
      UsDeviceId: Device ID of the ultrasound device
    • element.png
      • attribute.png
        Name: name of the parameter to be changed
      • attribute.png
        Value: value to change the specified parameter to
  • GetUsParameter: gets the imaging parameters of the specified ultrasound device
    • attribute.png
      UsDeviceId Device ID of the ultrasound device
    • element.png
      • attribute.png
        Name: name of the parameter to be retrieved

Command replies

  • SetUsParameter
    • element.png
      • attribute.png
        Name: name of the changed parameter
      • attribute.png
        Success: "true" if the value was changed successfully, otherwise "false"
  • GetUsParameter
    • attribute.png
      UsDeviceId: Device ID of the ultrasound device
    • element.png
      • attribute.png
        Name: name of the retrieved parameter
      • attribute.png
        Success: "true" if the value was retrieved successfully, otherwise "false"
      • attribute.png
        Value: current value of the ultrasound parameter

OpenIGTLinkRemoteExec Slicer module API

Basic API:

int commandId=remoteExecLogic->ExecuteCommand(myConnectorNode, "StartRecording");
int status=remoteExecLogic->GetCommandReply(commandId);

Advanced calls:

int commandId=remoteExecLogic->ExecuteCommand(myConnectorNode, "StartRecording", customParamsXmlDataElement);
int status=remoteExecLogic->GetCommandReply(commandId, customResultsXmlDataElement);

A new pair of command and reply node is created for each call.

If the caller does not need the command and reply node anymore than the caller has to delete them.